Blog: Do you know our National Educational Philosophy?

Often forgotten, these two sentences that make up the National Educational Philosophy bear so much importance that they ought to be spelt out and should be used as a check and balance tool against all that one does in the field of education.

Blog: Do you know our National Educational Philosophy?
Photo by mkjr_ / Unsplash

As an educator in Malaysia, I believe it is fundamental that we take some time to remember the end goal for all our educating and nurturing endeavours, despite the age group of children we deal with.

Often forgotten, these two sentences that make up the National Educational Philosophy bear so much importance that they ought to be spelt out and should be used as a check and balance tool against all that one does in the field of education.  

So, let us ask ourselves, the following questions?

As government officers, are there policies that have been put together to support and realise the philosophy that ought to be the guiding light of the education that children in Malaysia ought to receive?  

As educators, do all our actions and efforts resonate with these two sentences?

As parents, are our children having an education and an outcome that they were rightfully promised to have?

We should be held accountable.

It is time we remember that every child born in this country or born with Malaysian parentage has the right to be educated, supported and nurtured to become Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, society and the nation at large.

Our voices must be united. We have to work together for our goal ought to be the same.

There is still much work to be done.

And that is why we are here, alongside you, thefirst8, a place where you get supported, enriched, and pass on the torch to your peers, your circle of influence, as you impact the young lives entrusted to you!